FFXIV Write Day 3: Free Entry, Nightmares

The first thing you noticed as the world comes into focus wasn't your surroundings, but the sound of an enormous bell. It rattled in your bones, familiar like the tide, and all the more wrong for it.

It shouldn't be ringing here, a part of you whispers, not yet.

There was no reason, no hint, in those thoughts though, so with long practice, you set it aside and look around.

Its a small alleyway, lost deep within the streets of a cool-toned town. The details were loose on the edges, unplacable yet implacable.

You don't recognize it, but what else could you expect really?

Most of all, its dark. Pre-dawn, a part of you noted. With a breath, you lit up your keyblade, and stride forward. There was no way out but through.