Mor Dhona Apartments

My WOL's 'canonical' house, the Mor Dhona apartments are supposed to be the lodging in the Rising Stones that the Warrior of Light stays in between patches. My first build, I'm pretty proud of it.
My WOL's 'canonical' house, the Mor Dhona apartments are supposed to be the lodging in the Rising Stones that the Warrior of Light stays in between patches. My first build, I'm pretty proud of it.
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Built in my small, this cabin is supposed to be a retreat themed around my Warrior of Light's interests and various creature comforts. Featuring an artist's studio, a warm indoor heater, and a well featured master bathroom, its quite the place for any exhausted adventurer to relax.
Soon to be taken down, my flooded clocktower build is inspired by the (at the time) brand new clockwork partitions! This is definitely the build that caused me the most grief, despite its deceptive simplicity
Already removed, this build is meant to recreate the dawn views in KHUX's Daybreak Town. I'm pretty proud of the clouds I did for this one.